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CAR 66 Module-10 Aviation Legislation

Bridge over River

10.1 Regulatory framework 

Level-1 No. of Questions-5 
Role of International Civil Aviation Organisation; The Aircraft Act and Rules made there

under Role of the DGCA ; Relationship between CAR-21, CAR-M, CAR-145, CAR-66, CAR 147
The Aircraft Rules(Applicable to Aircraft Maintenance and Release) Aeronautical Information

Circulars (Applicable to Aircraft Maintenance and Release) CAR Sections 1 and 2


10.2 Certifying staff — maintenance      Level-No. of Questions-7
Deep understanding of Part-66 maintenance licences with the associated privileges and
authorisations, and how to exercise them properly for the different aircraft categories.



10.3 Approved maintenance organisations   Level-No. of Questions- 6

                      General understanding of Part-145 and Part-CAO.


10.4 Independent certifying staff           Level-3 No. of Questions- 4
Privileges, responsibilities, record-keeping, limitations, and oversight according to Part-M,
Part-66 and Part-ML.



10.5 Air operations                                                 Level-No. of Questions- 4
General understanding of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (the Air Operations Regulation);
Differences between commercial and non-commercial air operations, and their influence on aircraft maintenance; Air Operator Certificates (AOCs) and self-declaration authorisations; Air operator responsibilities, in particular regarding continuing  airworthiness and maintenance; Specialised operations / specific approvals: ETOPS, CAT I/II/III, and BRNAV. Minimum Equipment List (MEL) and Configuration Deviation List (CDL);
Aircraft placarding and markings; Documents to be carried on board:
— Certificate of Airworthiness / Restricted Certificate of Airworthiness;
— Airworthiness Review Certificate;
— Permit to Fly;
— Certificate of Registration;
— Noise Certificate;
— Weight and Balance report;
— Radio Station Licence.

10.6 Certification of aircraft, parts, and appliances   Level-2  No. of Questions-4

 Basic understanding of Part 21 and of the following EASA certification specifications:
CS-22, CS-23, CS-25, CS-27, CS-29, and CS-STAN.


10.7 Continuing airworthiness                  Level-2 No. of Questions-7
General understanding of the Part 21 requirements on continuing airworthiness;
General understanding of Part-M, Part-ML and Part-CAMO;
Aircraft Maintenance Programme.



 10.8 Oversight principles in continuing airworthiness  Level-3 No. of Questions-1


10.9 Maintenance and certification beyond current EU  Level-1 No. of Questions-1

regulations (if not superseded by EU requirements)         

Maintenance of European Union aircraft that are not within the scope of Regulation (EU)
2018/1139 (Annex I aircraft); 

European military airworthiness requirement (EMAR) 66 licence; 

Applicable national and international requirements for component maintenance, welding, painting, NDT, etc. (if not superseded by EU requirements).


10.10 Cybersecurity in aviation maintenance     Level-1 No. of Questions-1
Regulation on the introduction of organisation requirements for the management of
information security risks related to aeronautical information systems used in civil

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Total number  of questions : 44

About ICAO ​​The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

is a United Nations agency which helps 193 countries to cooperate together and share their skies to their mutual benefit. Since it was established in 1944, ICAO’s support and coordination has helped countries to diplomatically and technically realize a uniquely rapid and dependable network of global air mobility, connecting families, cultures, and businesses all over the world, and promoting sustainable growth and socio-economic prosperity wherever aircraft fly.As it enters a new era of digitization, and of incredible new flight and propulsion innovations, air transport is relying more than ever on ICAO’s expert support and technical and diplomatic guidance to help chart a new and exciting future for international flight. ICAO is innovating itself to answer this call, and expanding its partnerships among UN and technical stakeholders to deliver a strategic global vision and effective, sustainable solutions.


 Achieve the sustainable growth of the global civil aviation system.


 To serve as the global forum of States for international civil aviation. ICAO  develops policies and Standards, undertakes compliance audits, performs studies and analyses, provides assistance and builds aviation capacity through many other activities and the cooperation of its Member States and stakeholders.

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